{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe --lossy-unification #-}
open import Prelude
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism using (unitorˡ; unitorʳ)
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel; IsEquivalence; Setoid)
open NaturalTransformation using (η)
module MCIL.Core {o ℓ e} {C : Category o ℓ e} (MC : Monoidal C) where
open import IL (MC) renaming (id to idIL)
open import fil (MC) using (FIL; isFIL;FIL[_,_,_])
module C = Category C
module C² = Category (C ×ᶜ C)
module IL = Category IL
open C using (_≈_; _∘_) renaming (id to idC)
open Monoidal MC using (⊗; _⊗₀_; _⊗₁_)
record mcIL : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) where
constructor MCIL[_,_,_]
T : Monad C
D : Comonad C
module T = Monad T
module D = Comonad D renaming (F to G)
ψ : isFIL T.F D.G
module ψ = NaturalTransformation ψ
as-fil : FIL
as-fil = FIL[ T.F , D.G , ψ ]
triangle : ∀{X Y : C.Obj} → idC ⊗₁ D.ε .η Y ≈ ψ.η (X , Y) ∘ T.η .η X ⊗₁ idC
pentagon : ∀{X Y : C.Obj} → ψ.η (X , Y) ∘ ψ.η (T.₀ X , D.₀ Y) ∘ (idC ⊗₁ D.δ .η Y) ≈ ψ.η (X , Y) ∘ (T.μ .η X ⊗₁ idC)
record _⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ_ (f₁ f₂ : mcIL) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) where
module f₁ = mcIL f₁
open f₁ using (T; D; ψ)
module f₂ = mcIL f₂
open f₂ using () renaming (ψ to φ; T to T'; D to D')
f : T' M⇒ T
g : D' CM⇒ D
module f = Monad⇒-id f
module g = Comonad⇒-id g
isMap : isFILM f₁.as-fil f₂.as-fil f.α g.α
as-film : f₁.as-fil ⇒ᶠⁱˡ f₂.as-fil
as-film = FILM⟨ f.α , g.α , isMap ⟩
_≃ᵐᶜⁱˡ_ : ∀ {f₁ f₂ : mcIL} → Rel (f₁ ⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ f₂) (o ⊔ e)
a ≃ᵐᶜⁱˡ b = a.as-film ≃ᶠⁱˡ b.as-film
where module a = _⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ_ a
module b = _⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ_ b
module _ {L : mcIL} where
open _⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ_
open _⇒ᶠⁱˡ_
idMCIL : L ⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ L
idMCIL .f = M⇒-id
idMCIL .g = CM⇒-id
idMCIL .isMap = IL.id .isMap
module _ {L₁ L₂ L₃ : mcIL} where
open _⇒ᶠⁱˡ_
open _⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ_
_∘ᵐᶜⁱˡ_ : L₂ ⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ L₃ → L₁ ⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ L₂ → L₁ ⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ L₃
(α ∘ᵐᶜⁱˡ β) .f = β .f ∘M α .f
(α ∘ᵐᶜⁱˡ β) .g = β .g ∘CM α .g
(α ∘ᵐᶜⁱˡ β) .isMap = (α.as-film ∘ᶠⁱˡ β.as-film) .isMap
where module α = _⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ_ α
module β = _⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ_ β
MCIL : Category (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) (o ⊔ e)
MCIL = record
{ Obj = mcIL
; _⇒_ = _⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ_
; _≈_ = _≃ᵐᶜⁱˡ_
; id = idMCIL
; _∘_ = _∘ᵐᶜⁱˡ_
; ∘-resp-≈ = λ {_} {_} {_} {f} {h} {g} {i} → IL.∘-resp-≈ {f = ↓ f} {↓ h} {↓ g} {↓ i}
; assoc = λ {_} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} → IL.assoc {f = ↓ f} {↓ g} {↓ h}
; sym-assoc = λ {_} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} → IL.sym-assoc {f = ↓ f} {↓ g} {↓ h}
; identityˡ = λ {_} {_} {f = f₁} → IL.identityˡ {f = ↓ f₁}
; identityʳ = λ {_} {_} {f = f₁} → IL.identityʳ {f = ↓ f₁}
; identity² = λ {A} → IL.identity² {mcIL.as-fil A}
; equiv = λ {f₁ f₂ : mcIL} → record
{ refl = λ {f} → IL.Equiv.refl {x = ↓ f}
; sym = λ {f} {g} → IL.Equiv.sym {x = ↓ f}
; trans = λ {f} {g} {h} → IL.Equiv.trans {i = ↓ f}
where open _⇒ᵐᶜⁱˡ_ renaming (as-film to ↓)