{-# OPTIONS --without-K --lossy-unification --safe #-}
open import Prelude
open import Categories.Diagram.End using () renaming (End to infixl 10 ∫_)
open import Categories.Diagram.End.Properties
open import Categories.Diagram.End.Parameterized renaming (EndF to ⨏)
open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor
module IL.Dual {ℓ} {C : Category ℓ ℓ ℓ} {MC : Monoidal C} (CC : Closed MC) where
module C = Category C
open Closed CC renaming (adjoint to ⊗⊢[-,-])
module _ (G : Endofunctor C) where
module G = Functor G
integrand : Functor (C ×ᶜ (C.op ×ᶜ C)) C
integrand = [-,-] ∘F ((G.op ∘F (πˡ ∘F πʳ)) ※ (⊗ ∘F (πˡ ※ (πʳ ∘F πʳ))))
module integrand = Functor integrand
_° : (G : Endofunctor C) → {ω : ∀ X → ∫ (appˡ (integrand G) X)} → Endofunctor C
(G °) {ω} = ⨏ (integrand G) {ω}
module _ {F G : Endofunctor C}
{ωF : ∀ X → ∫ (appˡ (integrand F) X)}
{ωG : ∀ X → ∫ (appˡ (integrand G) X)}
(η : NaturalTransformation F G) where
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
F° = (F °) {ωF}
G° = (G °) {ωG}
module F° = Functor F°
module G° = Functor G°
module η = NaturalTransformation η
η° : NaturalTransformation G° F°
η° = end-η♯ ([-,-] ∘ˡ ((η.op ∘ʳ (πˡ ∘F πʳ)) ※ⁿ idN)) ⦃ EndF-is-End (integrand G) {ωG} ⦄ ⦃ EndF-is-End (integrand F) {ωF} ⦄